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Panic Disorder

Panic Disorder is a debilitating mental health condition characterized by recurring and unexpected panic attacks. These attacks can occur without any apparent trigger and are often accompanied by physical symptoms such as heart palpitations, shortness of breath, trembling, and a feeling of impending doom. Panic Disorder can significantly impact daily life, leading to avoidance of certain situations or places associated with panic attacks.

Panic Disorder Signs:

  1. Sudden Panic Attacks: Individuals may experience panic attacks in various situations, including while driving, shopping, or socializing, leading to a fear of having future attacks in similar settings.

  2. Avoidance Behavior: Panic attacks can lead to avoidance of specific triggers, making it challenging for individuals to engage in regular activities or leave their comfort zones.

  1. Agoraphobia: Some people with Panic Disorder develop agoraphobia, where they avoid places or situations where they fear having a panic attack, such as crowded spaces or public transportation.

A Layered Approach:

At Layers Counseling Specialists, we understand the challenges of Panic Disorder and offer a comprehensive approach to treat each individual effectively. Our evidence-based therapies, including exposure therapy, ACT, CBT, and personalized coping skills integration, empower individuals to manage panic attacks and embrace a more fulfilling life. Contact us today to begin your journey towards healing and lasting positive change with expert support