Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD)

SAD is a debilitating condition in which individuals experience intense anxiety and self-consciousness in social situations. This fear often leads to avoidance behavior, hindering personal and professional growth.

Signs of Social Anxiety Disorder:

  • Intense Fear of Social Situations: Overwhelming anxiety in social settings, especially with unfamiliar people or situations.

  • Excessive Self-Consciousness: Persistent self-consciousness, fear of judgment, and worries about embarrassment in social situations.

  • Avoidance Behavior: Avoidance of social situations or enduring them with discomfort.

  • Physical Symptoms: Anxiety-related physical symptoms like sweating, trembling, blushing, rapid heartbeat, and nausea.

  • Difficulty Speaking: Challenges in speaking in public, participating in conversations, or expressing oneself socially.

  • Anticipatory Anxiety: Severe anxiety leading up to social events, even days or weeks in advance.

A Layered Approach

At Layers Counseling Specialists, we understand that each person's experience with SAD is unique. We offer a comprehensive approach, tailoring treatment to individual needs and preferences. Our therapists incorporate various therapeutic modalities to ensure a personalized treatment plan that maximizes success. Contact us today to begin your journey towards healing and lasting positive change with support from a specialist. Take the first step towards healing, achieving freedom and emotional well-being.